News Sources

I try to keep a balanced news intake with multiple sources to keep well informed on current happenings.

The BBC, a UK-based news network, maintains relatively unbiased and detailed stories on American law and politics from a outside perspective. Being based outside of United States gives this source a better chance at presenting all of the facts of most given matters.

New York Times
The New York Times, founded in 1851, serves as one of the oldest and most pedigreed news agencies in the country. While the Times leans a with a bit of a progressive bias, their investigative reporting and well-researched articles make up for that bias.

Wall Street Journal
For economic reporting, The Wall Street Journal sets the gold standard for the rest of the world to follow. Their news on stocks, investments and general reporting is always well researched and documented, providing a fairly unbiased look at the nation's economy.

Washington Post
Founded in 1877, The Washington Post is a staple of political oversight in the United States. However, since Jeff Bezos' purchase of the Post in 2013, I find myself trusting this source less and less. One of the world's wealthiest billionaires owning America's premiere political watchdog paper seems sketchy to me, so I find myself relying on it less and less.

As a non-profit public service, C-Span has nothing to gain or lose by presenting bias. They literally just broadcast political proceedings without anchors or a spin, creating an unfiltered and (hopefully) untainted view of straight politics. For this reason, they are my most trusted source.


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