Post #5: Rodger's Diffusion of Innovations
Rodger's Diffusion of Innovations or Ideas Everett Rodger's theory of how innovations and ideas are disseminated throughout the populace is a widely used construct that hypothesis how a society adopts a new concept or technology. When used in terms of a societal innovation or progression, Rodger's theory can also be validly applied. In the next section, I'll analyze LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance in the United States using this framework. While LGBTQ+ folks have been present since prehistory , largely the sex/gender construction was rigid in the United States for much of its early history ( with a few notable exceptions ). This prevented much traction in the US the later-middle half of the 20th century, with the now infamous Stonewall Riots . These riots brought visibility to the civil injustices that queer folks suffered in the US. As the bell curve of Rodger's diagram shows, the most significant moment in a concept's adoption comes after a period of rapid a...