Post #4: Anti-War
Torture by American soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq The United States of America has a long and storied history of exceptionalism . In short, Americans tend to view themselves as the ultimate international moral barometer and sole exemplar of foreign and domestic policy. America also has a vetted history of imperialism . In short, this term refers to America's obsession with installing "freedom" and "law and order" in otherwise sovereign and unaffiliated countries. This concept has a direct link to American exceptionalism, in my opinion, as exceptionalism is what informs America that it knows best in any given situation. If you're the very best, then everywhere else is doing something wrong compared to you. This persistent feeling of being the best is cultural, and extends vertically throughout the entire American class structure. So, the reason why so many conflicts reported by are largely unreported by larger media outlets has roots in...